Thursday 9 February 2012

Unit Evaluation

From the brief I was given I wanted to make a small press book that appealed to children so I focused on themes that children would want to read about. The idea I chose was a story about a pirate who gets posted a treasure map and goes of on an adventure to see where it leads.

The thing that changed most about the book was the actual layout of the book as it first started off as an actual book so I created a dummy book. I then wanted it to be a story without a narrative so I looked into a comic strip or a poster. Finally I decided on a concertina book just made up of images. 

The piece that I refined was how I drew people, which I had managed to avoid in the past, I refined it by copying different body positions from other books  to understand how they were drawn. I then tried to find a way of drawing my pirate character using basic shapes and building it up from there. 

The process that I have experimented with most was what materials I would use to create the book, I started off by using printing techniques but found that it didn't give the effect that I wanted the book to have. I then decided on either using photoshop and inky drawings or inky drawings and watercolour. With the watercolour experiment I developed it from very precise images to allowing the colour to bleed outside the lines and letting the colours pool together in certain areas. I eventually decided on using the photoshop technique because of the look it gave. 

The artist that influenced my work most James Hindle and his book Little Wolves by the way he draws his characters using inky lines and then colouring them on the computer giving them a really good look. 

I really like the way my final piece turned out because it had the overall look that I wanted to achieve, the thing that I found hard was creating images that were able to tell a story as there isn't a narractive. By printing the cover slip on different card worked out really well adding to the effect of the whole book. 

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