Friday 17 February 2012


Here is an experiment I have done on Photoshop using the inky drawing I have done separately ad colouring them on the computer using free solid blocks of colour. I like this technique because it is commonly connected to children styled books as well as the effective it gives with the inky drawings works really well.

Here is some experimenting I have done with watercolour using scenes from my final piece and being extremely loose with the watercolour allowing it to bleed out of the inky lines which is a technique I haven't used before. I focused on this technique as it was a possibility to use it for my final piece developing different looks just from using watercolour a bit differently. 

This experiment was done with lino and then altered on the computer using photoshop.
Here I was experimenting with printing to see what my final piece could look using this technique also using the computer to then put them together and to add colours to the characters. However I found this technique didn't quite suited how I wanted the book to look but the texture it created was really nice, which I would want to try and put into my final piece.

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